Run a program of Eff in pure contexts
In a situation, I have a program (Eff
) with a STATE
and the program is pure.
It can be run in a pure context like below 😂
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Effect.State
import Effects
main : IO ()
main = do
let Id (_ ** [s]) = runEnv {m=Identity} [default] $ update (+1)
printLn s
-- {output}
-- 1
I took a Pull Request,
Above code can be written as below (no Identity
is needed),
if the PR is approved 🐕
import Effect.State
import Effects
-- runPureEnv : (env : Env xs) -> (prog : EffM a xs xs') -> (x : a ** Env (xs' x))
-- runPureEnv env prog = eff env prog (\r, env => (r ** env))
main : IO ()
main = do
let (_ ** [s]) = runPureEnv [default] $ update (+1)
printLn s